Browse the sources below for more information on the Planners for Climate Action activities.
Browse the sources below for more information on the Planners for Climate Action activities.
Planners for Climate Action

Climate Action STUDIOS
P4CA Climate Action Studios aim to support specific cities and communities to address critical climate change challenges through adaptation and mitigation planning actions.

Principles of Action
P4CA Studios are driven by a team of experts from different P4CA partner organizations and equipped to effectively contribute to the above objectives. Experts work together as a team within a context set by the host governments and authorities in a spirit of positive collaboration to support climate change planning actions. Experts make collective decisions on the running of the Studio convened by the host organization. The team is made of the required set of expertise to address the climate change challenges in the specific location of intervention.
P4CA Climate Action Studios intervene in selected locations requiring critical or specific support as requested by in-country partners that can address global problematic and serve as a case study or best practice for replication or learning on particular issues. P4CA Climate
Action Studios are responsive to the needs expressed by the host governments and authorities that provide the necessary background information and work with the team towards agreed objectives.
P4CA Studios help assess critical climate change challenges and advise on low-emission and adaptation needs and approaches.
Studios support planning departments and related entities to build capacity of planners to address climate change challenges through adaptation and mitigation planning processes using adequate tools.
Studios help planning departments and related entities to identify catalytic urban interventions that can increase adaptation and mitigation.
Studios are opportunities to raise awareness on the urgency of climate action and the impact of planning practices in vulnerable and critical urban contexts.