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Website Launch

Planners for Climate Action website launch

On the week commencing the 25th February 2019, Planners for Climate Action (P4CA), a global cooperative initiative convened by UN-Habitat, will reach a new level of visibility in order to engage the community of planners around the world.


The website will help P4CA to grow as a global network for planning organizations, professionals, academics and students with the joint goal of helping to deliver climate action through responsible urban and territorial planning.


Organization members and individual affiliates will be able to take part in one or more, of the three key areas of action; 1) Communication, Dissemination & Resource Mobilization 2) Knowledge & Research 3) Education & Capacity Building.


New members will also undertake a mapping exercise will also be undertaken by new members which will allow P4CA to map, globally, the current initiatives, projects and programs that are working to integrate climate change into urban and regional planning practice, research and education.

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