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City Center


P4CA has three key areas of action that members and affiliates can contribute to.

Discover the three areas and their related activities below.

1.  Course manual repository

A global call to universities for course manuals covering climate change and urban planning. 


2. P4CA Studio

P4CA Climate Action Studios aim to support specific cities and communities to address critical climate change challenges through adaptation and mitigation planning actions.

1.  State of the Profession

A global call to urban planners to share examples of integrating climate action into research or practice. 

2. Think-Pieces

A global call to urban planners, academics and practitioners to share breakthrough idea or an analysis offer on climate action and urban and regional planning.

1. Our Presence at Global events

P4CA, placed under the UNFCCC's Marrakesh Partnership, and partners organize public interventions and meetings during different global events in order to advocate for and bring more visibility to the integration of climate considerations into urban planning.


ISOCARP Congress 

- The American National Planning Conference,

- The first UN-Habitat Assembly
- The 10th World Urban Forum




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