Browse the sources below for more information on the Planners for Climate Action activities.
Browse the sources below for more information on the Planners for Climate Action activities.
Planners for Climate Action

Global Call to
Urban Planners
Climate change and urban planning: State of the profession
Led by P4CA’s knowledge and research working group, a group of researchers from around the world are collaborating on a research proposal to examine the degree to which climate change is being comprehensively integrated into urban planning education and practice.
The research concept includes a number of research questions:
How well is climate change education integrated into urban planning courses?
What are the experiences of practicing planners attempting to implement low-carbon, climate-resilient planning practices?
What are the gaps in education and practice that need immediate attention?
The University of Melbourne has secured funding to conduct this research in Australia; results will be published soon.
To find out more, or to join our working group, contact us at UNHABITAT-climate@un.org
Good practices mapping
The purpose of the exercise is to map, globally, the current initiatives, projects and programs that are working to integrate climate change into urban and regional planning practice, research and education.
This is an opportunity for you to contribute to a new global knowledge base of how the planning community is engaging with the crucial topic of climate change in an increasingly urbanising world.
The outputs of this mapping exercise will be fed into an initial database from which regional good practices will be selected and shared as part of the Planners for Climate Action visibility and advocacy work.
The purpose of the exercise is to map, globally, the current initiatives, projects and programs that are working to integrate climate change into urban and regional planning practice, research and education.
This is an opportunity for you to contribute to a new global knowledge base of how the planning community is engaging with the crucial topic of climate change in an increasingly urbanising world.
The outputs of this mapping exercise will be fed into an initial database from which regional good practices will be selected and shared as part of the Planners for Climate Action visibility and advocacy work.
In the medium term, we hope to produce a global, academically rigorous analysis of the degree to which the planning community is successfully enabling low-carbon and climate resilient human settlements through its practice, research and education. The study will be shared through innovative online multimedia dissemination to reach as many people as possible.
If your institution would like to be a partner to this academic research in 2018-2019 please contact unhabitat-climate@un.org